Brake Checkup

Brake Checkup
It’s no surprise that the braking system on your vehicle is one of the
most important features to maintain – after all, it ensures that you stop
We offer a totally free brake check
to any vehicle, so if you’re in or around Huddersfield, there’s really no
reason not to pop down to our garage for a check up. It is important you know
what to look and listen for if you ever have any issues with your brakes.
Common symptoms and
signs of brake faults:
· A grinding noise or
squealing noise – Brake pads wearing very low.
· Brake pedal juddering
– Possible warped front discs.
· Brake pedal
crunching – This could be an ABS Fault.
· Hard brake pedal –
Brake servo assistance problems.
· Brake pedal
dropping to the floor – Possible brake fluid leak.
· Car pulls when
braking – Sticking brake or hydraulic issue.
With fantastic prices on all break
repairs, ACTC is the local expert to help maintain your vehicle’s braking