DPF & EGR Valve Cleaning Service
Diesel Particulate Filter & EGR Valve Cleaning Service
Quick, affordable and effective Diesel Particulate Filter, Exhaust Gas Re-circulation, Turbo and Injector Cleaning. Get improved MPG and cleaner emissions.
If you have a diesel car you probably have a diesel particle filter (DPF). All new diesel cars have them. They stop soot that would harm the environment escaping and as they are used they clog up and start to degrade your car's performance. So from time to time you have to have them cleaned. Normally this is a time consuming, messy and expensive process. However we have adopted a new American technique for diesel particle filter cleaning that is effective, easy and cheap.
No need to replace or remove DPF filter (It is illegal to remove the DPF filter and may impact on insurance coverage)
Quick procedure
Use as Preventative Maintenance in the future
EGR Valves
Cleans EGR Valve to eliminate loss of turbo boost Emissions
Cleans Catalytic Converter and Diesel Particulate Filter